Herman Kahn Quotes

Deterrence itself is not a preeminent value; the primary values are safety and morality.

Herman Kahn

New developments in weapon systems during the 1950s and early 1960s created a situation that was most dangerous, and even conducive to accidental war

Herman Kahn

Failures of perspective in decision-making can be due to aspects of the social utility paradox, but more often result from simple mistakes caused by inadequate thought.

Herman Kahn

Failures of perspective in decision-making can be due to aspects of the social utility paradox, but more often result from simple mistakes caused by inadequate thought.

Herman Kahn

In a world which is armed to its teeth with nuclear weapons, every quarrel or difference of opinion may lead to violence of a kind quite different from what is possible today.

Herman Kahn

Only those who are ideologically opposed to†military†programs think of the defense budget as the first and best place to get resources for social welfare needs.

Herman Kahn
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